Welcome to the 1st & Goal Challenge!

Earn weekly yards for your team by completing the Challenge activities.

1 yard

  •  Every 1000 steps = 1 Yard  (e.g. 10,000 steps = 10 yards)
  •  Each 16 oz. of water = 1 Yard (e.g. 64 oz. of water = 4 yards)
  •  Complete a Play of the Week = 1 Yard (e.g. Max: 7/week/team member = 7 yards)

Click one of the seven Play of the Week icons to reveal the activity details.

2 yards

  • 30 minutes of strength training = 2 Yards (e.g. 90 minutes = 6 yards)
  • 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity = 2 Yards (e.g. 150 minutes = 10 yards)
  • 15 minutes of flexibility & stretching exercise = 2 Yards (e.g. 105 minutes = 14 yards)

3 yards

  • Audible Pick = 3 Yards (Max: 7/week/team member = 21 yards)

Choose an Audible Pick from the rotator below to reveal the activity details. Click the SPIN button and let the Wheel select the Audible Pick for you.

Team Captains: Click Here to enter your combined team members weekly results.

1st and Goal Audible Picks

Play of the Week