Meals on Wheels continues to serve hot, nutritious meals to vulnerable Delawareans
Delaware 2-1-1 - United Way’s Delaware 2-1-1 hotline and website provides links to critical services, including food needs
- Contact: Dial 2-1-1 or dial 1-800-560-3372; text your Zip code to 898-211
Food Supplement Program (SNAP) – Apply online for Delaware’s Food Supplement Program using the DHSS Assist website. Learn more on the Division of Social Services’ website.
- Contact: 1-866-843-7212
Food Bank of Delaware directly distributes emergency food to the public through the drive-up pantry.
- Newark Pantry (222 Lake Drive, Newark DE 19702)
- Milford Pantry (1040 Mattlind Way, Milford DE 19963)
Delaware Department of Education Child Nutrition Sites – find local student meal sites throughout the state, offering meals for students.