Episode 17-Leg's Be Honest

T H E  H E A L T H Y  L I F E S T Y L E
C O A C H I N G  P R O G R A M  P R E S E N T S :

No Gym, No Problem!

Episode 17: LEG'S BE HONEST

Leg day... it isn't everyone's "cup of tea" but the results are LEGendary!


This leg routine is a Tabata style workout. Tabata sessions consist of 20 seconds of maximum-exertion training followed by 10 seconds of recovery. Repeat the process eight times for one four-minute Tabata.

This routine should last you 30-45 minutes. Make sure to start the exercises slow until you are comfortable adding speed to your repetitions. This workout is meant to make you sweat!

The Exercises

  • Slow Count Squats
  • SLDL to Lunge to Knee Drive (R)
  • SLDL to Lunge to Knee Drive (L)
  • Good Mornings to (3) Calf Raises
  • Side Lunge to Pop Squat
  • 5 Second Fire Feet to Shuffle
  • Open Gate/Close Gate to (3) Donkey Kicks

Click here to download a PDF of the routines for all episodes.